Sunday, October 27, 2013

It's like looking into the eyes of God!



 I post so many pictures of God's beauty in the Dominican Republic because there is something so tranquil about the ocean, palm trees and tropical flowers.  But what truly melts my heart is the beauty I see when I look into the eyes of an innocent child.  There is so much promise.....hope......unconditional love. 

  Every single child is a GIFT.  Every single child deserves the same opportunities.  I am so proud to be working with a ministry that FIGHTS for these precious babies by offering services of healthcare, education, ministering to women and communities. 

   Please join me in praying for some of the challenges in the Dominican Republic.

Please pray for proper papers that are like our birth certificates so ALL children can attend school, receive healthcare and obtain jobs some day.

Please pray for safe housing and places to run and play.

On an island automobiles and gas prices are extremely expensive, please pray for safe transportation.

Pray for environmental safety.
 Pray for affordable healthcare close by the all communities.

Pray for opportunities for children to achieve their dreams.

Pray for basic needs of food and clothing.

Pray for education that is KEY to breaking cycles of poverty.

Please pray for innocent children like the next two photos that play with paper airplanes outside.......


while their mother's stand inside a church as other's plead to God to release them from the chains of bondage in a life of sin and exploitation.
 Father God....Please use every single one of us Lord to be your hands to hug, teach, give, pray and your feet to go and stand up for those who can't stand on their own.  In a world of plenty please just grant these simple prays of basic needs to begin to break the cycle of people who live in poverty to be targets for human trafficking and slavery.  In your Holy name Jesus, let no person who reads this walk away without doing whatever they can to help those in need. 

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