Saturday, December 8, 2012

100 Partners In 100 Days...Will you be 1????

One of the scariest parts of going on the mission field is that we have to quit our paying jobs and have to rely fully on the support of others.  It's really funny because we have already gotten the stares and questions like, "Now is Brian staying in the US working and you will go without him?"  "Can you work in another country?"  "How will you make money?" 

I completely understand that many people have many questions because this is so out of the ordinary on how the vast majority in the United States lives.  So here are my answers some great questions starting with the definition in the dictionary:
n. pl. mis·sion·ar·ies
1. One who is sent on a mission, especially one sent to do religious or charitable work in a territory or foreign country.
Q.  Do you have to sell everything? 
A.  We don't HAVE to sell everything but most missionaries sell most everything, for several reasons.  1. It costs a ton to move things overseas.  2.  Because they want invest their time and attention into helping people learn about God's love. 
Q.  Can you work for a paycheck?
A.  Missionaries can't work overseas for a paycheck because it takes jobs away from people that need them.  Also because we are so busy volunteering our time in free clinics, women's shelters, schools, street ministries, etc. 
Q.  Is Brian staying in the U.S. to work and while you go?
A.  No....This is going to be hard enough leaving our adult children.  We want to show the people in the Dominican what a healthy marital relationship with love and respect looks like.  We will definitely need each other's love and support while we are there. 
Q.  Do churches send you?
A.  Churches do play a part in the financial support and with the emotional and prayful support.  But mostly financial support is from individuals.
A.  Yes...and excited because I fully believe that God is in control of how every aspect of our serving will play out.  His plan completely!  I have had my human moments that caused nervous flips in my stomach like the other day while driving and talking to Him, thanking Him for all His provisions but doubting for a quick second...what if we won't have enough supporters??  He told me, "100 partners in 100 days!"  WOW....I love that!  I know it was Him because it popped into my head and if you really know me I am never quite that quick of a thinker...haha! 
Even though I hate the thought of asking for money...I do feel like when we make a financial donation, it makes us feel more invested.  I TRULY WANT TO BE PARTNERS, I want to feel your presence with us.  I know this sounds strange because we need to survive but I truly don't care if it's $25 or $1,000!  I want it to be an amount that you can commit long term.
 So....I am asking you now to please start praying about becoming one of our partners that will make a commitment to send a monthly donation, to pray for us whenever you think of it, to share our story about what we are doing to fight Human Exploitation in the Dominican Republic, to email or facebook or write letters of encouragement.  And hopefully visit on a missions trip!
100 sponsors in 100 days will begin Feb 1st - May 11th.  I can't wait to see God's work in and through all of us to be the change!
God...please continue to show us your plan for our lives.  We want to fill out the dream you have for our lives.  We want to be faithful with all you give us and all the lives you want us to touch.  Please give our future partners a desire in their heart to invest in the eternal lives of the woman and children being exploited in the Dominican.  We love and trust and cherish our relationship with you Father.  Amen.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

What Can Happen When Jesus Takes The Wheel

  I just reread my last blog post and smiled.  I can't believe the blessings that can happen when we truly let God be in the driver's seat and just not our co-pilot! Sounds like....duh...of course Jenny.  But seriously how many of us say we will follow what God plans for us and then we end up taking control ourselves?

  We have been sitting back and praying and asking God "Where?"   You see I know that God has called us to serve...there has NEVER been a question in our minds about that.  But when we planned to go to Guatemala it just seemed to make sense since part of our family was serving there. was all we knew.  We had gone on missions trips there and there is a huge need.  Doors kept closing, uneasy feelings were nagging away at us and we were not completely at peace with how we fit into the picture. 

  So we surrendered our thoughts, our ideas, our wants and we prayed and we prayed and of course, we prayed some more.  Now we are so excited to have opportunity to visit a ministry that we fell in love with after reading about, skyping and emailing back and forth with.  It's called Go MAD Ministries (which is really kind of funny considering the title of this blog. :))  It is in the Dominican Republic.  We are going to visit them in the beginning of January.  We are blown away by how every single detail is falling into place.  We know how and where we want to serve and then I'm sure we will get there and that will all change...haha!  But we are excited, we are willing and we are ready to Go MAD (Make a Difference). 

   Now...this is not a done deal.  The co-founders have got to fall in love with us in person!  :)  So feel free to leave a comment on here about how great we are!  LOL!!  No really....I'm serious.  :) 

  Please check out Go MAD's website at: to see how they are helping the desperate young women not even begin or turn away from a life of prostitution.  They fight against Human Exploitation with teaching of God's love and teaching skills they can use to get other jobs.  They have 2 schools, a safe house for women and a medical clinic for children.

 I can't wait to see how God plays this all out, this chapter in my life. Will we be serving in the DR? What kind of difference can my family make on these beautiful people?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Resting in the Lord

Who would've thought that saying "Yes God....we want to serve on the mission field.  We are willing to sell all our possessions, leave our comforts, uproot our children and leave our jobs, families and friends." would be the EASY part?

Ever since we have felt such a strong desire to answer the call we have had doors open and close, and challenges in areas of our lives that we never thought possible.  But we have not wavered on if our decision to serve for one minute. 

I asked advice from an amazing lady who is actively serving and has experience the "walk" to follow God's calling.  She told me to
"rendirse" which means complete surrender. 

Sounds easy right???  But I like to control things...haha!  But I couldn't shake her words...."Rest in the Lord" she said. 

So I really prayed hard and ask God to make me do just that!  Then as only God does he "coincidentally" throws in similar topics at church and Bible verses.

I began reminding myself that I can come up with some pretty cool ideas BUT GOD has plans for me that I NEVER could have thought of. 

Guess what I'm doing?????   Resting in the Lord and completely surrendering.  Doors are opening and I'm allowing Him to write the script for our AMAZING STORY! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Reality check!!!!!!

Here I go again....being human!  I get so tired of it....haha!  Let me explain.....

I preach to my children and the kids at school when they complain about somebody being mean or if things are not going there way.  I always say, "Are you really going to let one or two people control your happiness?  Let's think about all the good that is in your life."   Beside that rude person probably went on his day and didn't give you a second thought....but you didn't let it go and it ruined your whole day.  Who just won?    I try not to belittle what they are feeling but I don't want them to let other's people rudeness define them.

So for the past few months lots of just cruddy stuff has been going on in my life.  I've said it before that Satan will try to trip you up when you are getting ready to do something like adopt, mission work, etc.  Things are happening that I NEVER could have imagined.  I've been sad, confused, mad, frustrated and then this morning......

I get on facebook and I read about my childhood friend Eric and his wife Lana.  They run a wonderful ministry.  They have 6 beautiful children.  Lana is battling cancer throughout her ENTIRE body.  All the while they are praising Jesus and making the most of each and every day.  Their strength just drops me to my knees!!!  They are my INSPIRATION and what I strive to be like!

So really?????  What do I have to worry about?  People are being hateful to me and people I love???  REALLY????  Should I just consider the source....was it God????  No....then what am I worried about???  As long as I know I am doing my personal best and I am trying to glorify God in every decision, conversation and action that I do.....I am good.

I am back to practicing what I preach.

* For everyone "bad" thing that happens I will read or listen to 10 positive stories.  I will stay in The Word every day, which I already do, but THROUGHOUT the day would be a great idea too.

*I will not let other's control my feelings.  I won't let someone elses "bad" day make mine a "bad" day.  But....  I will not be a doormat and I will still stand up for what I believe in and I will do it after thoughtful prayer and handle it with my moral values in tack.  AND I will keep in mind that people do have pain or issues in their lives that could be behind their actions so I will try to empathize.

*LASTLY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I will put other's needs first.  I will serve where needed and I will take the focus off of ME!  The is TRULY the key to being happy.

Now.....I have to remember to go back and read this again next week when I get my feelings hurt....yet again.  :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

What's Your Story???

There was a segment on a show like Dateline or 20/20 about 10 years ago....I can't remember exactly what show it was or who the gentlemen was that hosted it....BUT I loved it! 

The host would travel all around the U.S. and stop in some random  town and begin a conversation with the residents.  He would then ask somebody to tell them their "story".  They would begin by saying, "Oh there is nothing special about my life....."  but as they went on an amazing tale of heartache, love, hope, loss, heroism.... or you name it... would eventually come out.  Most often I would end up with crying and my heart touched by what they had overcome or experienced. 

So....if you have read anything I have written on here before you pretty much know my story.  I'm an open book.  I tell everyone because I am a FIRM BELIEVER that we help others by sharing things we triumphed over or lessons we learned to prevent others from the same mistakes or just plain encouraging people that we may experience the same difficulties or celebrate the joys in our lives. 

I am asking you's your turn to share...."What's your story?"  I want to celebrate with you.  I want to pray for you.  I want to give other's hope through your strength.  I truly want to know....and it's not to be's to give me wisdom of other's when I am on the missionary field. 

Don't let me down!!!   I usually have anywhere from 40 - 200 people reading this.  I'm ready to read!!   You can even stay anonymous if you like. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Unconditional Love....

Why do I love these crazy animals that live in my house????  No I am not talking about my husband and children!!!  

   Let me tell you a little about what we deal with on a daily basis. 

First there is Sushi...our Shiba Inu.  She's a great dog....but oh my word that girl knows how to SHED!  I'm sure most of you who live close to me knows this when you see the white hairs all the way down my black pant legs.  She is also the biggest worrier ever!  We know when a thunderstorm is on it's way about an hour before it gets here.  She will pace the house then stop every 2 minutes to look you in the eye and seriously talk to you.  It sounds kind a pirate saying ARRRRR with a question mark at the end. 

Then there is pumpkin our orange cat that acts like he would rather be anywhere in the world than here with us humans.  He hates our newest member of our family Cooper (which I will introduce you to later).  Pumpie also is known to only attack Maddie's legs while she innocently walks through the room.  We have yet to figure out why except maybe he thinks that she is the only one he could actually take....or that Maddie probably tortured him at some point and he's got a great memory. 

Rascal is my grand puppy....Tyler's pup.  He is a little cute white maltese.  He is a caretaker.  He barks to protect the girls in the house.  Sounds cute right????  No!  He barks at Brian when he just looks at him wrong.  He barks at us when we walk into Tyler's room to talk to her until we sit down and not look as threatening I guess.  And if that's not enough he likes to pee on plastic bags. guessed it...we have to put the groceries away pretty darn fast!   I don't know what a plastic bag ever did to him but man....I'm glad I'm not one!!!  Sushi is not as fortunate as me though....he will go on Sushi if they are put outside at the same time.  But he is a major mother to all the rest.  Yes I know he is a boy....but he cleans the other dogs ears and makes sure they eat before him.  Total mom!

The newest member is Cooper.  Technically Maddie's pup so my grand puppy.  We have figured out the he is a Beagle/Welsh Corgi/Wired Hair something????    He is the goofiest dog that is so cute and funny looking at the same time.  He is scared to death of Pumpkin.  He has to sit right up against me just like he is doing at this exact minute....and all night long.  He thinks his big long body can fit where ever he wants it to.  And jealous?????   Don't even think I can get away with cuddling with the others and he is right there....I seriously need to grow a bigger lap!

Oh!....and look how he lays with his hind legs all weird!  People tell me he needs to see an orthopedic surgeon!!!
So back to my original question......why do I love these animals so much?????  Because they love us unconditionally.....they are loyal....they make us smile and LOL every single stinking day!!!  They can't wait to see me when I walk in the door.  They look at you with the most adorable eyes!  They make my kids so happy...they simple make ME happy. 

So a little hair, barking, urine in my house?????   It's totally worth it.    Kind of like how God loves us...we are SO not perfect but He loves us even with all our little quirks!!!

Can I get an AMEN?????

Sunday, August 26, 2012

God's promise...

Antigua, Guatemala
Genesis 28:15
15 Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
Wherever you are in your life.....whatever you are doing, please let this promise comfort you and give you peace that you are NOT alone. 
Our pastor at Eastview, Mike Baker, preached about this very verse today and it made Brian and I just look at each other and smile.  You see we need as much confirmation as possible these days.  By living in the word daily and truly trusting that God will lead our path as we begin this new chapter in our lives, is the only way we can survive. 
We have said YES to moving to Guatemala to serve full time but there are definitely hard steps to take on the way.  One of course is the fundraising.  This is going to be the tough one.  It is extremely hard to think that we have to rely on other people to support us. Nobody but nobody wants to ask people to give one of their most coveted possessions (their money) to help you be the hands and feet of Jesus.  But that is EXACTLY what God wants us to a team...a partnership.   I keep reminding myself that I only have to rely on God and He will do the rest. 
And without a doubt....the hardest part will be away from our daughters and extended family.   I have to literally push this clear out of my mind or I will scream...cry and change my mind.  God keeps reassuring me that this is the greatest gift I can give my family.  I always want be the best example for my children.  I want to not just read the Bible but live it.

I asked my children one day...."Would you have done that if Jesus was standing right here in the room with you?"   Of course they fell for it and said "No!"  Why is it so hard for us to realize that He is right next to us at every second, during the good, the bad and the ugly? 

So I will pray for all of us to remember his promise.

Heavenly Father,

Please help my family and my friends as you have helped me today to remember that you are by our sides every second of every day.  You are here in our marriages, in our relationship with our children, you are at our workplace, at our schools.  Let us always act in a way that would please you.  BECAUSE of what you have done for us.....let us give our lives to you.  Amen 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I am.....

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. ~Edward Everett Hale

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pictures are Worth A Thousand Words

I am still processing all the emotions I felt during our trip to Guatemala. I am posting some of my favorite pictures. All I ask is that you pray over each photo of the Guatemalan people. I know we are all so desensitized from seeing poverty and hunger on the TV but when you meet these precious souls in person you can't help but never look at those photos the same again.

 Children from the village of Chituk.
 Casas in the village of Chituk.

 Sweet babies with colds and ear infections.
 Mario playing marbles.  For most kids this is their only toy.
 Tyler teaching the kids to brush their teeth.

 The girls LOVED Keegan and Kallan.
 Village of Hope arranged for 2 adorable young adults to receive wheelchairs (their first ones ever!)

 Their room in the "after" photo.  New paint....cleaned and new shelving! 


 Waiting for the GRINGOS!

 National Tree
 Cooling off where the village children bathe!

 Amazing Elsa and her boys Alexander and Manuel.  Such an inspiration!

 Addie and Keegan sneaking in photos.

 I will never forget the brokeness in this woman's face.
 Cemetary in Guatemala City
 Vultures over the city dump below the cemetary where human remains get dumped if families can't afford to pay the monthly fee.

 Amazing family that work in the city dump collecting recyclables.  They took in a young pregant girl off the streets to give us a home.  Below is a picture of the kitchen in their home.  They share everything when they have barely anything.  TRUE EXAMPLES OF DISCIPLESHIP!!

 We handed out soaps and shampoos to the kids that live at the dump.
 Learning to make tortillas

 Stepping out of our comfort zones in many ways.  Sharing during devotions and.....
 pouring concrete the hard way.  So proud of my team!

Hayvn serving Uncle Brian some cold water.