Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bring on the CARBS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pastor Megan has been preaching a wonderful sermon breaking down the Lord's Prayer, sentence by sentence.  I seriously love this because one of my pet peeves is reading prayers aloud from memory and not truly taking the time to think about what we are praying about.  Recently she spoke about "Give us this day our daily bread".   Pray for what is a necessity...not just our desires. And to especially notice it says, Give us not Give me.

     So this got me thinking.   Last year when we were preparing to step onto the mission field and serve the people in the Dominican Republic, it was an extremely scary time to sell and give away everything you thought you worked so hard for.  And then QUIT your PAYING job....you know, the one you have "control' over.  The one you trained for and interviewed for and negotiated and accepted a certain salary that you could live on, buy cool things put some in the bank and prepare for you retirement!  But you know what is even BETTER???    I may not even have realized this until after about the first six months....but it is fundraising.  I know that sounds absolutely NUTTY but let's think about this.  I put God in control of all my finances.  Can you think of anyone better to do that?  He is my provider, my boss, my CEO of my life!  I am literally on my knees praying GIVE US EACH DAY OUR DAILY BREAD.  I get to witness the miracles of the people He places in my life to physically send us money to live on and let me tell you.... It is AMAZING!!  Because it gives us all a chance to become what we are put on this Earth to do.....Work together, Share the Word to those who don't know God, serve those who can't help themselves, reach out to other's who have no hope.   I get to witness family, friends, churches and complete strangers saying Yes to God's call.  It's SO COOL!!!!  And all along I feel closer to God than ever before because I  LET GO of doing things my way.  I know you have heard this so many times but it's TRUE....God's way is always way more awesome than what our human minds could come up with.  I have said this many times and I will keep saying it.  Fundraising was (and still is) the BIGGEST faith growing time of my life.  It is constant communication with my Father, receiving reassurance and valuable lessons from Him to keep walking in faith and only look at Him for my next step.  He shows me how to help others, and reminds me to TRUST even when times get hard.  He provides the resources to make it all possible.

    So I will keep praying for us ALL to have our daily bread.  And I thank Him for guiding me to a situation where I can witness that each days meal is TRULY provided by Him.   I have NEVER been so aware in my life that every single item, my car, my home, every can in the pantry down to the carton of milk in the refrigerator has been provided by my Heavenly Father.  It's not mine....none of it.  It is a gift to share.  None of it is something I deserve but it's what has been entrusted to me to further His kingdom.  So I will continue to use all the resources I have to GO and SHARE and MULTIPLY it all for our King.

  Please, if God has been pushing you to step out of your comfort zone, to let go of some of your control and put more trust into following where He is leading you.  Don't resist.  It's the greatest gift you can give yourself and your family and above all.....HIM. 

  If one of those ways you would like to help is by partnering with us on the front line of fighting human exploitation.  We would be honored and faithful with your gifts.  Your support means that we are in this TOGETHER.   I will be praying for you! 

www.gomadministries.org   Click on Make a Donation in the bottom left side in the yellow box.  Next click the drop down box that says, "I want my donation to be designated toward..." and choose Brian and Jenny Bland.   Thank you!