Thursday, November 7, 2013

Feeling the frustration from being on the mission field!

            There is so much need.  I am not talking about needing a new outfit.....they are content with just one outfit.  I'm not talking about a bathroom with running water and stand up showers....they are content with their buckets of water.  I am not talking about going out to eat and to the movies....just some rice, beans and chicken for their families.  The need I am talking about is for medicine for their family. 

          I watched a documentary about sugar cane workers in the Dominican Republic and how poorly they were treated.  They were slaves in every sense of the word and there is still slavery going on today.  They were locked in these rooms at night....20 of them in each.  They were immigrants from Haiti promised a better life here.  The priest in the movie said that most of the sugar they collected went to the U.S.  It gave me chills when he said, "Most Americans would be shocked to know what price people paid just so they could have sugar in their coffee."  This made sound harsh....but I know it would've made me sad....but then I would have went on with my day and consumed more sugar without doing any doing anything to help.  Who am I .....just one person....what could I do?  This one priest did plenty.  He stood up against death threats and was pivotal in making conditions for the workers better.  This is one of the buildings the sugar cane workers lived in. 

So why am I frustrated?   Because I am here.....I left my loved ones behind....I want to care for the sick but we are a we wait for funding and donations to have enough supplies.  They can't afford transportation to come to me. So I want to go to them.  I am just one person, but together we add up to I need your help. As a nurse it's so hard to not have all the medications I need to give to those who need's hard to look them in the eye and say, " I know you don't have money to buy your own, but I don't have enough for everybody." 
 I am going to show you pictures of the area that stole my heart  but first I want you to make me a promise.  Before you look at these photos, I want you to promise to print off the one that tugs at your heart, the one that makes your mouth drop open or you shake your head and think how can these babies live like that every single day.  Then I want you to show your family and talk to your children or parents about what you think you could do to make a difference in someone's life.  Then I want you to put that photo on your refrigerator or desk at work or your locker and pray for that child every time you look at them.  Ask God what you could do to help, what you could possibly give up each month.  One less $10 pizza ordered out a month could give 20 children medicine.  (I am NOT exaggerating!)  As Black Friday and shopping for Christmas presents when we can't even come up with "an idea" because that person has about giving them a copy of the photo you printed off with a note that you made a donation in their honor???  Wouldn't that be an AWESOME example of what Christmas is all about? 

Mama so proud to show off her beautiful baby!

Who needs furniture when you can make your own using palm trees?
                          Homemade toy made of a stick, plastic bottle and a bike tire.  Genius!!!

Little cutie happy with his toy (a plastic bag) hitting it up in the air and not letting it fall to the ground. 
Most importantly this village has people like Megan, a pastor that shows them how much Jesus loves them and gives them hope and the tools to work as a productive community.
Let's do this together....let me know how you can help me deliver medicine to this amazing village.
Matthew 25:44-45 
  44 "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' 45 "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

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