Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Keeping Calm!

God keeps reminding me to not get so caught up in the stress or busyness of life that I miss out on the most amazing stories.  The reason I have been blogging so much it is almost like a journal for me, except that I'm putting it out there for the world to see....haha!  I have always said I'm an open book!  :) 

Each of us make plans for our lives.  No matter how much we's easy for us to look at how much further we are from our ultimate goal, how much we have left to do and we are always looking for that light at the end of the tunnel.  But if we don't stop and TRULY pay attention to the awesomeness that God puts right in front of us.... because we are so ridden with anxiety, stress and control....then we've missed the whole point of what God wants us to learn, see and celebrate.   

The reasons that Brian and I know that God has THIS plan in our lives is because we have prayed, fasted, LISTENED and obeyed.  God stirred in us a desire to show people what we found.  A true relationship with our Heavenly Father.  He just kept pushing us to trust, to have faith and to follow.  We said "Yes" and then took the first step in obedience.....then the next....then the next.  My prayer is to tell and show everybody how God has changed me to love unconditionally like He does us.  I can think of nothing greater than if I helped someone take what I did and that was having RELIGION in their life.... to having that become a deep trusting RELATIONSHIP with my Father. 

So what God is showing me is if I only looked for that light at the end of the tunnel,  I would be missing out on the miracles of His works in every single day.  By recognizing them,  I have a reminder that we are not doing this alone...that HE is equipping us...He shows me that through what looks like an awkward journey to most of the up finances when we are taught to hold on to them tight......trusting Him is what will give other's the desire to take their first step too.

  Here is a note that a sweet friend sent me.

You are helping ME grow in my faith. I am a type "A" control freak!  I control nearly everything in my life! This is our chance to trust in God. I am not a deeply religious person. I believe in God, but do not attend church on a regular basis. I need to be able to let go, as well. Please pray for our family as I feel God is asking us to sponsor you, but it scares the day lights out of me! This will be my first step and we will see where it leads! You are a truly wonderful person! We have been planning this for a while, I just felt like maybe you needed to hear some good news! Thanks for being you!

Now...please don't think I'm sitting here thinking, "Oh,  look at me!  I'm leading people to Christ."  Because what I'm really thinking is, "Thank you God for pulling me closer to YOU in this journey and at the same time using my clumsiness through it all to give other's the desire to say "Yes" to what you are asking of them."

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