Friday, April 5, 2013

Why I am going to miss my life in Le Roy!

As we get ready to load up the van tomorrow and head to O'Hare I thought this post was worth a re-run. 

     The fondest memories we will take with us of our "Life In Le Roy" for the past 13 years.

Beautiful pictures that will forever run through my head -

 My children jumping on the trampoline in our backyard with all the neighbor kids.  The laughter, static hair and remembering Taryn breaking her arm.  (Thank you Kim for not suing!)

 Maddie at age 2 running down the street naked as can be and all the neighbors out watering their flowers and laughing at me in my flip flops try to catch up with her.  And at age 3 when she couldn't find her sister's when they were on the front porch and she took off out the back door and ran a few houses down and began knocking on doors.....thank you Linda for bringing her home!

 So many ballgames, softball, basketball, baseball, volleyball, cheering at football, watching and listening to the marching/pep bands.

 The bunnies we would find in the yard and try to raise.

 Going to the swimming pool....riding bikes.

 Friends that got me going back to church....Life Saving Decision!!!!!

Going to the Princess Theatre where my Mom went when she was a little girl.

  Parades, parades and more parades.  Playing bells at the library.

   Le Roy Fall Festival!!!!!

 All the amazing teacher's that loved, taught, nurtured and help me raise my children to be the wonderful people they are!

 All my friends that I know I could call and in an instant and they would be there for me.

 Best veterinarian and staff ever....Dr. Bane and girls!

 The football camps, cheer camps, golf camps, volleyball camps, church camps, brownies, girl scouts.

 The musicals....oh the musicals!  I will miss watching my kids perform....those were truly SPECTACULAR!  Thank you Mary!

 Band concerts, chorus concerts, plays.  Thank you Bridgette!

 People helping when we took in our 3 foster kids and needed beds, clothes and toys to make them feel loved and like they truly belonged. 

 The closeness of the community when disasters stuck our town.

 The homecomings, the proms, the graduations and award ceremonies.

 Roma Ralph's pizza and for employing the girls!

 Trick or Treating!

 Going to the IGA and Dollar General and always seeing friendly faces. 

 The short lines in the drive-thru's. 

 Only ONE stop light!!!

 The safety of my children walking wherever they need to go. 

 The Cross Guards who kept my kids safe and SMILED and WAVED....every....single....morning without fail!  You ROCK Dixie, Linda and Kathy!

  All the people who have supported us by hosting fundraisers, garage sales, donated items to raise money, given us platforms to share about our ministry, churches who loved, supported and prayed for us, friends who gave us rides, apartments, TJ for letting us wear out our welcome, neighbors who came to our rescue and tons of families that trusted me to take care of their kids at school.

 Raising my family in Le Roy was one of the best decisions in my life.  We have TRULY been blessed.  I will never forget the feeling of living in a small town full of big hearted people. 

 I will take the warmth and love that I have been given and share it with the children that long for that feeling of safety, protection and the knowledge that people will step in and help them at any given moment. 

 "Living in a small like living in a large family." - Jenny Bland :)


  1. Absolutely beautiful!

  2. Aw...Although we are extremely sad to see you go...We know you are going to do good and make a HUGE difference in those kids life! I wish I had even half of the faith that you do! I am proud to call you my friend! Working at school this next year won't be the same without you! We love you bunches!

  3. You brought tears to my eyes Jenny! I grew up in Le Roy and when Lloyd and I were married it was very important to me that we raise our kids here too! It was and still is a great place to grow up!
