Sunday, July 8, 2012

Our New Journey Begins.......

To some of you this will be a HUGE other's it will be, "I could see this coming a mile away!" 


WE ARE MOVING TO GUATEMALA!!!!!   The official move will be summer of 2013!!!


I have been blogging for a short time to open my heart up and let everyone see how we have been praying and searching for our plan that Jesus has for us in the world.  

As I am sitting here writing this....I was asking God to give me the right words to explain to many people who are going to think I am CRAZY( Enough) to do this.....I looked up at the TV while Brian is playing some youtube video's.  We began watching one with Francis Chan reading the Bible to a homeless man who is hearing the gospel for the FIRST time!!!  I began getting choke up witnessing that!  I guess that sums up the reason why we feel so strongly about going and serving.....I want to do that EVERYDAY!

We have been having more and more of these confirmations over the past few years.  Last week more confirmation after watching children in Africa literally dying of hunger and eating dirt to try to fill their bellies.  We were all so broken after watching those video's.....we could barely function the rest of the day.

We asked God to break our heart's for what breaks we thank God for letting us not only feel what he feels when He witnesses pain and suffering AND also for letting us to realize that WE are His HANDS AND FEET! 

Thank you God for letting us understand You have called us ALL to reach to ALL nations.

Matthew 28:19
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

The easy part has past.  We have said YES!  We have accepted that we are selling EVERYTHING....all of our comforts and familiarities.  We are ready to "live simply so other's can simply live".   That part was a slow process of God showing us repeatedly that He didn't have the big house and luxury vacations and nice cars as part of our plan.  :))   STRESS.....QUILT....PAIN....SADNESS....More STRESS...haha!

Now for the hard part....hurting people we leave behind....leaving jobs that we love ....leaving friends and family that we adore.   Leaving Tyler, Sydney and Raegan here. 

Those are the things that we will need you all to lift us up in prayer. 

We are spending 10 days in Guatemala this month to serve and have God show us in what way and where exactly we will serve.  We want to use our gifts and talents to touch as many people's lives as possible and let them know the love of Jesus.

James 1:27

27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.


  1. I knew before I even opened up your post what you were going to say. :) I don't think you are crazy... you are being obedient and I can not help but wonder what all God has in store for each and every one of you. You will be soooo missed! :) And yes, we will continue to pray for you as you each make the transitions and prepare to go... Wow... amazing! :) Meeshia

  2. I had a really good feeling about what this post would say......I am SO thrilled for you!!! And now, I'll know even more people when I head back that way in a few years with Anna!!! So happy for you, Jenny!!

  3. I love Francis Chan!; you definitely are heating up and are moving past 'Lukewarm'and are definitely not serving up 'Leftovers'. I lift your life's journey up in prayer!

  4. Jenny, can I just admit that my heart aches with sadness, but also with the beauty of what you are doing. Daniel and I recently taught Kyle Idleman's series "Not a Fan" and I immediately knew that your life had been impacted to no longer be a fan of Jesus but to be a devoted follower. A part of me wants so much to experience the freedom of saying and knowing absolutely I would sell out and move to a foreign country to serve people with so great a need. but at this point I will commit to prayer for you in all the cares you have expressed here today. I love your touching words "live simply so others can live". The ache in my heart and the tears shed while reading your blog entry, are expressions of pride, love, loss, and joy at knowing everything we do for Christ will last, and somehow so much of what is important here is temporal and fleeting! I know you and your family will be a blessing in this ministry. Love and prayers!!!!

    1. Karla....We will miss you guys SO MUCH...BUT just you have an AMAZING place to come do missions!!!!! Yay GOD!!!!

  5. YAY! I'm so excited for you all! What a sweet blessing you and your family will be to Guatemala!

  6. Hey Jenny! My family attended church with Amy & Todd this Sunday in Antigua, and the minister asked the congregation... "Who do you want to be?" (other than Jennifer Lopez, jk)
    and his point was, do you want to be a "Christian" or a "Disciple?"...saying in his way that Christians think like Christ...but DISCIPLES do what he does!...way to go DISCIPLE of Christ! Can't wait to meet you there!

    1. Thank you Lynn for your encouragement! I gave up trying to be like J Lo a lonnggggg time ago...haha! Can't wait to meet you too!
