Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Life Lessons Through School Lunches???? I think yes!!!!

I'm seriously going through so many emotions right now in my head...I just had to blog about it....I hope this makes sense when I'm all said and done...haha! 

One of my most challenging parts of my job as a school nurse has been changing our Wellness Program to be up to date with today's standards for nutrition, exercise and educating in these areas.  I have worked for 3 years on trying to make a range of 3 year old to 60 something year old happy and healthy.  I learned QUICKLY that those 2 words do not work together for the majority of the people when it comes to food. 

You see we are so blessed to live in this country of plenty that we are over indulging in empty calories just because it's advertised beautifully and enticing us through commercials and social situations.  We reward ourselves and our children with food.

To break this cycle of carb filled excessive portions for us is going to be a continuous battle until the end of time....BUT for others school lunches look like this....
This vegetable soup and piece of bread for some is the only meal that day.
I wonder what they would think about our "pig out" parties???

My emotions are running so high when I hear people complain about school lunches because they aren't cooked right, too cold, too soggy, not enough, too healthy...ugh!  
I would first like to see them try to cook for 300 and make every item, crisp, hot and juicy and made to perfection!   

I want to say.... here....walk 2 miles a day with soleless shoes on to eat this!  

 And for most they are more grateful then we will ever be about ANYTHING!

These 5 beautiful children were found eating dirt to survive in Guatemala.  I bet they wouldn't have turned away a Sweet Potato.

Parents please open your children's eyes to the needs of others before themselves so they can be learn help others.  There lies TRUE happiness.

I any situation have to find the good that comes out of it....What I found with this is that I'm so thankful I have raised my children to stand up for what is right when they hear people CONSTANTLY complaining instead of being THANKFUL for what they have and for not going to bed hungry or sick from malnutrition.

Time for me to get off my soapbox?   I think not.... :))).

Some families are lucky enough to get 5 tortillas each for a meal.....they are cheap and filling.  How do you think your spouse or children would react tonight if you tell them that's all they are getting for supper???

So the moral of this story is just BE GRATEFUL that you were blessed enough to be born into this country where we have more than enough.

1 comment:

  1. Preach it sister. Stop focusing on yourself and focus on others! Changes your whole outlook on life!
