Saturday, May 4, 2013

"This will be easy!".......Said nobody ever!

     "Nobody ever said it would be easy!"  Do you know how many times I have heard this? 

     Today we had an amazing outpouring of love and support from our community at our Walking Taco sale.  The generosity of people and kind words carry us through and keep us lifted in this journey.  Nobody will ever understand how much that means because this is such an emotional roller coaster.  You see we honestly feel like this is not a "choice" for us to move and serve.  Because if it was a choice.....we would probably have changed our minds a hundred times by now. 

     Brian and I both have been blessed with amazing families that we are going to miss SO much.  Our daughters Tyler and Sydney are staying in the U.S.  We are leaving jobs that are literally a part of who we are.  We have so many people telling us we are great at what we do and are going to be missed.  Do you know how hard it is to walk away from family and that kind of love, praise, security and appreciation???  

     After we came home today and relaxed for awhile.  My nephew Keegan began to say his goodbyes to me since he is flying to Guatemala tomorrow to spend the summer with is family that is serving there.  He started to walk away and said, "Aunt Jenny....When am I going to see you again?"
I stood dumbfounded.  I've been so busy with all the plans I hadn't even thought that it may be a long long time.  My other nephew (Keegan's brother) Travis is getting married near Seattle, Washington this fall.  I am praying that I can afford to at least have me fly out to attend his wedding. 

                So you are right "Nobody" THIS ISN'T EASY!"

But again.....Brian and I both know this is not a choice for us.  We firmly believe that we were not put on this Earth to live for our own comfort.  We were made to live our lives for Jesus.  Not to acquire more and more but to GIVE more and HELP more. 

If this was a choice me I would choose to stay right where I am ....close to my adult children that I could see whenever I want, work at the school where I am "Nurse Jenny" and have people boost my ego about how nice I am, we could see our families all the time and especially for holidays and weddings, we could control how much money we make and spend on any given day, we could hang out with our friends.......I could go on and on.

So we choose the HARD path....but the right path for us.  Because easy isn't always right, living for our own comfort isn't what God had planned.  He designed us to be His hands and feet. 

How can I worry about my comfort when there are so many who live like this?  And as a funny side note....I googled,  "Bible verses about living comfortably" You want to know what it said????  No bible verse exists on this subject.  No surprise there....but yep.....confirmation. 


James 2:14-17                    

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

So once again.....we still need monthly support.  You see our effort, sacrifices and willingness.  You see our desire to show God's love and bring hope for the hopeless.  We need from you prayers, encouraging words and monthly support.  We have a long way to go.  We literally raise 100% of our living expenses.  We have been blessed with lots of donors but still need monthly commitments so we have that security to rely on while we serve.  We understand that giving $25, $50, $75, etc monthly is a sacrifice.  We will continue to pray for God to give us all the strength. He will take care of us when we take care of all of His treasures.

If you feel you can make this sacrifice to help us further God's kingdom please click on link on upper right hand side of this page under the yellow Go MAD Ministry sign and follow instructions.  Thank you....and God bless you for blessing others.

Philippians 4:19                    

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

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