Friday, June 8, 2012

My Soul Mate

I talk about my relationship with Jesus OFTEN and my relationship with my today it's Brian's turn.  With Father's Day around the corner and our 14th Wedding Anniversary (can't be already) today is about honoring him.

I don't know what I did to deserve this guy!  I am so thankful that his parents raised him to be a Godly man because when he met me with 3 beautiful little girls he didn't hesitate for one minute to welcome ALL of us into his life.

I love the way that he raises our children just as God does, with compassion, understanding and love.  He always supports their wise decisions and gently steers them in another direction when they are maybe not so wise. 

I couldn't be more blessed that God gave him the heart to love children that were not his "flesh and blood" because this opened doors for us to adopt and foster.  God now is using us to serve in mission work help those who cannot help themselves.

You make me fall more deeply in love with you when I hear you talk about serving in Guatemala this summer....people don't even have to pay attention to you but you keep sharing because you are so passionate about it.  That makes my heart melt. 

I am so thankful for January 18th, 1997 and that YOU came up and stood behind me.  I'm so glad I asked you to dance.  I'm so glad I didn't notice your lack of rhythm...haha. 

You are truly one of the hardest working men I have EVER met.

 I love the way you know exactly what each of us like to eat.....and what movies we enjoy and our favorite places to go.

 I love that you pick out matching envelopes to go with wrapping paper and that you never forget the jelly belly's. 

I love the way you say you will move out if I bring home more pets and then you come up with their own theme songs to call them to you because you want to be their favorite. 

I love that you wanted to make all my dreams come true....because you have.

You are my life Brian....I adore you!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I remember that night too! Happy Father's Day, Brian!
