Sunday, March 10, 2013

What are we taking for granted?

I saw this today and it truly spoke to me.  My main job when we move to the Dominican Republic will be offering more services at our children's health clinic.  So I have been doing research on many different classes we could offer because I believe that education is key to changing our habits.  I found some wonderful brochures to give out to the parents that I currently use in our community.  I was thrilled to discover that they are offered in Spanish.  The thrill quickly vanished when I began reading the topics and the reality of our differences soaked in.  My heart began to break over how some of the world has the basic needs covered and a large part still lives without.

Here are some of the topics that made my heart break even more for the parents that love their children just as much as I do but have no resources to help their babies like I do.

1. "You Children's Mental Health:  What is Essential?"   For good mental health, you children need-
  • a safe place to live and play
  • the right amount of health food to eat

What factors might contribute to a young child's mental health problems?
  • Illness
  • exposure to lead, mercury or other environmental poisons
  • abuse or neglect
  • natural disaster that disrupts family life
  • difficulties related to poverty

2.  "Fight Germs!  Wash your Hands!"  They live amongst contaminated water that must be boiled.

3.   "Importance of Vision and Hearing Screenings"  The children in these villages rarely see a doctor.

4.  "Your Babies Dental Health"  Most of the children in these areas do not even own a toothbrush.

5.   "Say Yes to Healthy Snacks!"  They are fortunate if they get 3 meals a day.

6.    "Keeping Your Children Safe in the Car"  Cars are extremely expensive

So I am choosing to embrace all that the Dominican children are blessed with.....the love of each other in their community, the freedom to run and play without distractions of electronics.  :)  Their desire for education and their sweet personalities.....but I am determined to provide the basic health care that should be every child's right.

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18

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