Monday, October 15, 2012

Resting in the Lord

Who would've thought that saying "Yes God....we want to serve on the mission field.  We are willing to sell all our possessions, leave our comforts, uproot our children and leave our jobs, families and friends." would be the EASY part?

Ever since we have felt such a strong desire to answer the call we have had doors open and close, and challenges in areas of our lives that we never thought possible.  But we have not wavered on if our decision to serve for one minute. 

I asked advice from an amazing lady who is actively serving and has experience the "walk" to follow God's calling.  She told me to
"rendirse" which means complete surrender. 

Sounds easy right???  But I like to control things...haha!  But I couldn't shake her words...."Rest in the Lord" she said. 

So I really prayed hard and ask God to make me do just that!  Then as only God does he "coincidentally" throws in similar topics at church and Bible verses.

I began reminding myself that I can come up with some pretty cool ideas BUT GOD has plans for me that I NEVER could have thought of. 

Guess what I'm doing?????   Resting in the Lord and completely surrendering.  Doors are opening and I'm allowing Him to write the script for our AMAZING STORY! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Reality check!!!!!!

Here I go again....being human!  I get so tired of it....haha!  Let me explain.....

I preach to my children and the kids at school when they complain about somebody being mean or if things are not going there way.  I always say, "Are you really going to let one or two people control your happiness?  Let's think about all the good that is in your life."   Beside that rude person probably went on his day and didn't give you a second thought....but you didn't let it go and it ruined your whole day.  Who just won?    I try not to belittle what they are feeling but I don't want them to let other's people rudeness define them.

So for the past few months lots of just cruddy stuff has been going on in my life.  I've said it before that Satan will try to trip you up when you are getting ready to do something like adopt, mission work, etc.  Things are happening that I NEVER could have imagined.  I've been sad, confused, mad, frustrated and then this morning......

I get on facebook and I read about my childhood friend Eric and his wife Lana.  They run a wonderful ministry.  They have 6 beautiful children.  Lana is battling cancer throughout her ENTIRE body.  All the while they are praising Jesus and making the most of each and every day.  Their strength just drops me to my knees!!!  They are my INSPIRATION and what I strive to be like!

So really?????  What do I have to worry about?  People are being hateful to me and people I love???  REALLY????  Should I just consider the source....was it God????  No....then what am I worried about???  As long as I know I am doing my personal best and I am trying to glorify God in every decision, conversation and action that I do.....I am good.

I am back to practicing what I preach.

* For everyone "bad" thing that happens I will read or listen to 10 positive stories.  I will stay in The Word every day, which I already do, but THROUGHOUT the day would be a great idea too.

*I will not let other's control my feelings.  I won't let someone elses "bad" day make mine a "bad" day.  But....  I will not be a doormat and I will still stand up for what I believe in and I will do it after thoughtful prayer and handle it with my moral values in tack.  AND I will keep in mind that people do have pain or issues in their lives that could be behind their actions so I will try to empathize.

*LASTLY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I will put other's needs first.  I will serve where needed and I will take the focus off of ME!  The is TRULY the key to being happy.

Now.....I have to remember to go back and read this again next week when I get my feelings hurt....yet again.  :)